My hair has become Joseph's new favorite plaything. I don't recall how I made this discovery exactly, I only know that he reacts to my hair dangling in his face or brushing against it with delight. It has become one of our little games. I dangle my hair in his face and he squeals, sighs, and his arms and legs move spasmodically. I find it to be very flattering and endearing, unless it turns ugly. On more than one occasion I have had to call on Joe to assist me in disengaging Joseph's little fists from my hair. Once he had handfuls on either side of my head, he pulled me close to him and was (involuntarily...I think) kicking my head repeatedly. Afterward, I ask myself "why does he like my hair so much" as I run a hand through my abused mane finding little wet spots here and there from where he attempted to eat it.
Apparently it is only my locks that Joseph reacts to in this way as both G-ma M and Dad have tried to elicit the same response from him without consequence. Maybe my hair just tickles him, or he loves it because it smells like mom?! Regardless of the reason, this seems to be his current passion (could have saved a fortune on toys)!
1 comment:
I look at this picture every morning when I check my mail to get my "Little Guy" fix for the day. Was there ever a cuter, sweeter, brighter little boy except on Seneca Ln in Manitowoc. Look out world, here come the Myers kids!
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