Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fantastic Weekend

As you can see from the photos, Joseph is pulling himself up to standing on just about anything that he can get his hands on. Consequently, he has been spending more and more time in his pack'n'play. He is gnawing on everything (including mommy's and daddy's nose) but no teeth yet.

We had a fantastic weekend in Cedarburg. On Saturday we took advantage of our built-in babysitters in the form of Joe's parents and did a bit of shopping in town. That night the five of us tried Taylor and Dunn's Public House for dinner. The food was delicious, and Joseph really enjoyed his potato leek soup. Sunday was Joseph's first Maxwell St. Days, and he did fabulously. We were there for a couple of hours and he even took a nap in his stroller! We spent the rest of the time relaxing. Grandma Myers has created a monster: Joseph can no longer fall asleep unless he is rocked in my arms (oh woe is me)...

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Can't Stop Embroidering Things

We had the Schwenzens over yesterday for brunch. As usual we had an excellent time. Here are Joseph and Hadley getting (re)acquainted.

I also decided to learn to hand embroider this weekend. I started by putting some stars on the pocket of an old pair of jeans, and I was on a roll. I simply cannot stop! Above are a jacket I embroidered last night and a denim patch that I made this morning. Any requests? Embroidered tea towels or onesies anybody?

The first pic is a lace knit cap slv shrug that I got both the idea for and the link for the pattern from my pal knitting kninja. Made with a lovely plum merino. You really have to request this one, it requires more concentration on my part than my felted goodies.

That's all for now.

Friday, May 18, 2007

"Sunny days, everything's...a-okay..."

Playtime with mommy

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

PS-Wants Desperately to Stand/Walk

And With Crawling came Sitting (finally)

For months now, I have been watching and waiting for Joseph to sit. Not that he didn't know how, its just that as soon as he was put into a sitting position he would find his way as quickly as possible to his tummy. This worried me a little since other babies seemed to be perfectly content to sit and play for long periods of time. However, these also were babies that loathed tummy time and could not last for longer than a minute or two.

Apparently, with crawling also came the desire to sit and play. Joseph is suddenly so much more mobile all around. He kneels, sits, crawls...I don't know how else to explain it, but he is mobile (it is as simple as that).

My New Model

In case you haven't already noticed the picture on the left from my etsy shop, I have decided to start using Joseph as a model for baby tees. I based this decision on a suggestion from Monica, and of course, my assumption that Joseph is a particularly beautiful baby. My suspicions have been somewhat confirmed: even though no one has bought this onesie, it has had more views already than any other item in my shop!

Monday, May 14, 2007


Joseph started crawling last Thursday. I was sitting watching him play on the floor and just as I heard Joe's keys in the lock, Joseph crawled right across the office to a stack of books on the floor. Just like that!

As Joe came in the door I said "Your son is crawling, wanna see?"

Coincidentally, I also watched Joseph pull himself to standing on the side of his crib twice that same day. Now when I go to get him in the middle of the night, he is kneeling at the side of the crib and grasping the rails waiting for me. It is the sweetest thing.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


So, Mothers Day is upon us; it is my first Mothers Day as a mother. And as I reflect on these past seven months or so as a mom, I just bet you can picture me swelling with pride and soaking up praise. Not so!

As I look at my son, this amazing, smiling, loving, funny little person, I try to accept responsibility for who he is, and I just can't. He is who he is, and we are lucky to have received such a wonderful gift as he from God. Sure, I clothe him, I bathe him, I feed him and keep him safe and warm, but it is what I know is right and what I Am Supposed To Do.

Instead, my thoughts drift (naturally) to my own mother. I think about how she endured years of picking me back up when I fell (both physically and emotionally). Wiping away the tears, the sick and wiping my dirty bum. Doing all that she can to make me a good person. And then I think about the other women in my life who have been mothers to me. Who have built me up and contributed to my character by teaching me things that my own mother could not. My mother-in-law, aunts, teachers, baby-sitters, family friends, bosses and co-workers.

And my thoughts drift further yet, to women who cannot mother their own children and instead choose to be mothers to children who have no mothers. And I think about the women who choose not to mother their own children, but instead devote their lives to making the world a better place for the children who have been left behind.

These are people who deserve the praise.

I was having a conversation recently about children who live in poverty and war, and how the problem seems so great that the little I can contribute is only a drop in the bucket. But we agreed that when you lack the time and money to make a real difference, the best that you can do as a mother is try your hardest to raise your children to be good and loving people. To add one more good person to the world.

So what about me? Ask again in twenty or so years, I just might be swelling with pride and soaking up praise by then. Instead, this year I am offering my own thanks and praise to all the "mothers" out there.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

One image will forever be burned in my memory: the look on Joe's face as he chokes back tears while we are standing in the Midwest Express check-in line two days ago.

That really sums it up. Yes, we missed the Hemingway tour, we decided to skip the glass bottom boat, we forgot to take pictures of the free-roaming roosters that terrified our son, but Florida with the Blackwoods was THE BEST VACATION EVER. We miss the three of them so much already.

We did try some key lime pie, and key lime cheesecake. It was fantastic. We ate tons of fresh seafood. We sweat like pigs in April. We got tan, and our freckles came out of hibernation. But nothing compares to seeing our nephew Ian, and spending time with Monica and Scott.


Look out Ft. Lauderdale, JJ has arrived...

Fun in Key West

The cousins conspire...

Wiped Out!!!