Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Baby in the Mirror

The Finished Product

Here are the pears. Felted, stuffed, and embellished with leaves and stems. I will be posting these on etsy later today!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Would you buy this?

I feel a little weird about pairing my "business" with this family blog. All the same, what are your thoughts on this new pear design I came up with yesterday?

PS-They are not quite finished yet. You have to use your imagination to picture what they will look like finished.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mr. Photogenic

O.K., say it with me:

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

There aren't too many pictures of the three of us together. As a matter of fact, the only other ones that we have were taken on Thanksgiving or earlier. This one was taken yesterday, and although it was hard to get Joseph to look at the camera I really like it!

To all those new parents and parents-to-be out there: It is really easy with a new baby to forget to get pictures of the whole family together and only take pics of the baby. It takes effort to remember and have family pics taken, but I am glad we did.

Joseph Likes...

I have discovered that one of the most amazing things about being a parent is watching your child's personality slowly unfold before your eyes. The transition from newborn lump to little boy is so gradual that I hardly even notice it until I find myself saying things like "Oh, Joseph doesn't like it when..." or "Joseph just loves it when...".

Here is a list of some of Joseph's current Likes and Dislikes. I am sure that if we look back at this list in just a few months it will seem like a completely different place and time. I hope to record such lists again in the future so that we may see how our little boy evolves.

Here goes...

Joseph Likes:

Mommy and Daddy, kitty cats (especially Shimmy), fruit, banging, jumping, being tickled, hair (especially Mommy's), pulling, grabbing, rolling, nursing, moving, his stroller, rides in the car, sleeping, Mommy & Daddy's bed, TV, toys, books, phones, remote controllers, noisy rattles, music, babies, faces (especially noses), crinkled paper, magazines, junk mail, baths, his fingers, prints on fabric, his teddy, being carried, Target, Phoenix (the band), napkins, keyboards, coffee mugs, eye glasses, dangly earrings, yarn, neck kisses...

For a list of Joseph's dislikes scroll down.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Joseph Dislikes...

Gas, waking up alone, carrots (and most other vegetables), strangers trying to make him smile, being tired, "Joy to the World", Michael Penn's "No Myth", cold wind, having his face wiped, being bundled, tight neck holes, boredom

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Monday, April 02, 2007

Chaos Ensues

Is it ever amazing/amusing to be on this side of the lens. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago at Aunt Jane's and cousin Alex's birthday party. Note Joseph's handful of that poor little darlings hair. He does it to me all the time.