Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Little Faker

A couple of weeks ago Oprah had an Australian woman as a guest on her show who has a sort of photographic sound memory. Through experience with her own child, and because of her special gift, she claims she has uncovered the secret language of babies. According to her, there are five universal "pre-cries" that babies make regardless of culture, language, or race. There is one for hunger, one for discomfort, one for upper gas, lower gas, and one for sleepiness. I recorded that episode and I must have rewound and re-listened to each of those cries a hundred times.

The day after the episode aired, I was convinced that JJ would have a virtually cry-free day. I was confident that as soon as he began to fuss I would know exactly what he needed and how to fix it. The day started off alright: first he was hungry and I fed him, then he needed a burp and I burped him. But then he let out the "lower gas" cry, the only one for which there is nothing you can do to help him. So I held him and stroked his back in an attempt to let him know that I was there and he is loved. But then a discomfort cry snuck in, and then a burp cry, and wait...is he hungry, too?! By mid afternoon I was crying as well. I guess there is no fix-all when it comes to newborns.

A couple of weeks have passed now, and Joe and I have gotten much better at knowing what JJ needs when he needs it. It is only partially due to the Oprah lady, and mostly can be attributed to time, experience, love and intuition. I think JJ can sense that we understand him better, because a new era has begun in JJ language: the Fake Cry!

I wish I could record it and play it for you here. It sounds something like "Ah-owww-uh...(pause)...Waaaaaa-uh-huuu-ah! Waaaaaiii-uh-owwwuh!" We hear it all the time now and it makes us laugh, but the first time I heard it I came running to him and asked "What is wrong, do you need mommy?" He immediately stopped, looked at me and smiled. Little Faker.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Overprotective Mama Bear

That's me! Joseph did well on Thanksgiving, he slept almost the whole day. I didn't bode so well, however. It was completely our of character for me, but I was a complete nervous wreck the whole day! He is still so small and helpless, I just wanted to take him away and protect him. It took so much out of me that I was exhausted by 7 pm. It is almost embarassing for me to admit it, because it really is not like me to feel that way. I guess it comes with the territory being a new mother and all. I just hope I get over it soon, Christmas is coming...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Angry Baby: The Film

Click on the photo to see Joseph James in action! 

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Its a Small, Small World

During my 37th week of pregnancy I began to get a bit anxious and was really ready for baby to come. All through my pregnancy I had heard of these things called Braxton Hicks contractions; they are supposed to become more intense as you approach labor and it concerned me that I wasn't having them. So I did what any hysterical pregnant woman would do in this day and age and Googled it. What I found astonished and relieved me: someone's personal blog chronicling her pregnancy from conception on, and she was going through all the feelings, fears and emotions that I was. I followed the rest of her pregnancy and ultimately her son was born only twelve hours before mine. And now as new parents we are again going through the same things at almost exactly the same time: the challenges of breastfeeding, wanting to toss parenting books out the window, wanting our babies to walk and talk immediately but wanting even more to cherish every moment. It has been an incredible comfort knowing that someone out there can really relate to what I have been going through and I am grateful to have found her blog.

Recently, I began to wonder if there were other new mothers in the area who might be interested in meeting others like themselves. Again I Googled mommy groups and found that there are several groups in the area of mothers, mostly first-timers with very young babies, who meet regularly for coffee, to chat, or to commiserate. It blows my mind the amount of support and camaraderie that can be found out there just by using your computer. What would we do without it? And would things have been any easier for our mothers when we were babies if they could have Googled?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Joseph J. Happybaby

At long last, the elusive "smile" has been captured on film (or, in this modern day, a memory card)! Just one of a thousand faces, it seems.

Just as "they" say: It keeps getting better. We love him so much...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Son the Genius

JJ is partial to changing table time. There is just something about it, he smiles and coos and wiggles all before during and after a diaper change. So lately I have been giving him more time on the changing table, and it makes for some great pictures. This morning during changing table time in the middle of smiles, coos and kisses he announces crystal clear "mama". I am sure it is just the indecipherable babbling of a content infant, but it is a moment I am sure I won't forget.