Friday, January 25, 2008

New Discovery

Joseph woke up this morning and immediately noticed this rabbit pull toy for the very first time that we got for him when he was still way too young for it. He is nuts about it! He hasn't let go, and keeps showing it to me, Shimmy, and his other toys.

If you would like one of your own, please visit Stump Pond Toy. Handmade in the USA by a very friendly 87 year old in Rhode Island.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Taken This Morning

He looks like such a little boy now! I just can't get over it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Blog


So for those of you who couldn't give a... you know... about my craft updates, obsessions, etc, you no longer need to impatiently scroll past my posts to get to the good suff.

And for those of you who rather enjoy my craft musings and would like to see more, these posts have now been relegated to a new blog. See it here: Fiber Aesthetic.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Cresting the Peak

I keep hearing that 30 is the new 20. People who say this are usually under the assumption that 30 means old to most people. I had more than one person ask me if it is hard turning 30. The truth is that I have never felt younger. I don't mean that physically; I am referring instead to my perspective and outlook on things and my ability to enjoy life.

When I think back to my childhood I often feel sorry for the little cynical, serious girl that I was. I felt and behaved more like a 30 year old then than I do now. I recently described myself back then as a "wet blanket." That is not to say that I didn't have a fantastic imagination, or that I wasn't capable of being a kid when the occasion arose. But I didn't understand other kids, really. They were always a bit of an enigma to me, and when I would see the eyes of my peers fill with fascination, wonder or sheer joy at anything, zoo animals, chemistry experiments, birthday cakes, etc. it always seemed a little naive and silly to me.

The longer that I walk this planet, I see and realize that more and more amazing, wonderful or disgusting or horrifying things are possible, and I come to understand that the big complex secret of life is so amazingly simple. Seek comfort and joy in the people that you love. Treat every day with them as a precious gift.

I had my birthday party this past weekend at my in-laws' house. It was simple, small and relaxed. But what made it so special was that I was surrounded by some of my favorite people with no facades, no insecurity, and no judgment. And as I looked around at this group of family and friends, my eyes filled with wonder and sheer joy. I finally get it.

I am living my life in reverse. The older I get, the more childlike I become in many ways. It makes perfect sense to me now that I have come to collect and and take a certain fascination with toys and objects in bright candy colors. My office/studio is starting to look more like the playroom of a young girl than the workspace of a 30 year old woman. But how wonderful that I can see the wonder in my son's eyes and for the first time in my life I understand and I can live these experiences with him as if I am living them for the first time.

Thirty is a wonderful age to be.