I got this idea recently at a baby shower. Someone had the novel idea to have all the guests write down a bit of advice for the mother-to-be and presented them to her in an album. I came up with a very cliche nugget of wisdom, but after hearing some of the other pieces of advice offered up by the guests it occurred to me that I know all kinds of weird things and practical bits now that I didn't then. Here are just few (consider this advice if you are considering parenting a very young person):
1) Contractions remind me most of really bad food poisoning I had once in Dublin.
2) Giving birth makes you HUNGRY (those prenatal books don't lie) as in "I could eat cold leftovers off of the floor" hungry.
3) If you need to cheer up a bit, use a breast pump-you might find the first few uses to be endlessly amusing.
4) Nursing is a HUGE commitment. Going anywhere for longer than 2 hours (for the first 3 months) without baby is tricky because even if you know that the baby has plenty of milk somewhere else, your breasts do not.
5) The best programming to be found between 2-4am is on either BBC America or Noggin.
6) We would never watch TV anymore if it weren't for DVR.
7) Being a mother does not mean that you neglect your own needs. It is difficult to care for a baby if you are not well-rested and taken care of yourself!
8) It is a good idea to keep a stroller in your house. When all else fails to calm your fussy baby, pushing them around in one will probably work.
9) Folds of baby flesh go deep. Pay special attention to the almost nonexistent neck whilst washing baby.
10) Do not purchase/use cradle cap ointment, (if you see Pooh characters on the label back away slowly) especially if your baby has a lot of hair. That is unless you like the smell of Aqua Net on your baby for a week or more.