At 8:20 pm last night Joe and I are about half a football field length away from Geddy as he says "There are those who think that life has nothing left to chance..." Gave us goosebumps. We left for home about an hour later.
On the drive from the Marcus back to Cedarburg where Joseph should have been asleep (at grandma and grandpa's) I say to Joe, "Next time we invest that much time and money in a concert it had better be a band that we really love." For me, I guess that would have to be (barring any resurrection of John and George) Simon, John, Nick, Andy and Roger. For Joe that would probably be Tool.
We spent most of the concert on the balcony just talking, and I think that that alone was worth it. There, we realized that it has been almost a year since we last went anywhere in the evening without Joseph. And we realized how much things have changed: at 25, blowing a chunk of change to see a band that you always really liked was not a waste, but our time and money is very precious to us now.
As we coasted down Silver Spring toward I-43 I began to feel a tug from the north. We pulled in the drive and walked inside to find the lights on, both grandparents up, and a very upset and thirsty little boy scrambled hastily in our direction. That about sums it up.